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Relax Before the Holidays With a Facial

With the busyness of the holiday season, it’s easy for stress to creep up on us. And when there’s the presence of stress, there tends to also be problems with the skin since hormonal changes during stressful periods cause fluctuations in sebum (or oil) production. Here’s how to nip both problems in the bud: relaxing and reviving the skin with a facial treatment.

What to Know About Facials in Winter


Why Get a Winter Facial?

Regardless of just how thorough and committed you are in your daily skin care regimen, there will always be some things you just can’t achieve with at-home skin care. For example, many patients who suffer with acne find that even though they’re using all the right products formulated for their skin type, they’re still having issues with breakouts. This is often because they’re not getting the deep clean that most effectively removes dirt, sweat, bacteria, oil buildup, and other debris leading to clogged pores.

Then there are patients with winter eczema (also known as dermatitis) who just can’t seem to soothe their dry, cracking, irritated skin no matter how much moisturizer they slather on. Often, these patients simply need a professional steam, hydrating mask, and medical-grade moisturizing treatment to add that hydration in – all things that can be received during a dermatological facial.

Types of Facials and How They Help Skin Conditions

Just about everyone – from teenagers to pregnant or menopausal women to all adults – can benefit from a facial treatment specially formulated for their skin type and needs. First, a dermatologist will assess your skin conditions and listen to your concerns and any special requests. Then, they’ll make an appropriate recommendation based on what they’ve evaluated.

If you have dermatitis, for example, your provider might recommend a deeply moisturizing treatment, complete with a thick hydrating mask, medical-grade emollient, or water-based ointment. If you’re in the market for a facial that doubles as a wrinkle reducing treatment, your doctor may recommend a Hydrafacial, which deeply cleans while removing impurities from the pores. During the Hydrafacial, a specialized serum is applied to effectively moisturize and add antioxidants to the skin. Patients who receive this treatment regularly see decreases in fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a diminished appearance of dark age or sun spots.

And if your skin is very sensitive – including acne-prone skin or women’s skin during pregnancy – there are still options for facial treatments. A knowledgeable dermatology provider can give you treatment recommendations using products that are safe and non-irritating for your sensitive skin.

Beating Holiday Stress With a Facial

Besides the benefits of having your pores professionally cleaned, a facial also allows you to carve out time for much-needed self care during the holiday season. It’s common to get swept up into social activities, parties and celebrations, and holiday travel, and forget to take care of your stress level. By giving yourself some quiet downtime, your brain and body get a rest from constant cortisol and adrenaline production – which spells good news for your nervous system and your skin.

Contact Louisiana Dermatology Associates

If you’re in Baton Rouge or the surrounding areas and want to explore your options for facials tailored to your skincare needs and concerns, contact Louisiana Dermatology Associates today for an appointment with one of our board-certified specialists. We can make recommendations and then perform the selected facial treatment in our offices.

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