Top Dermatological Remedies for Acne
Top Dermatological Remedies for Acne
There are several diverse approaches to managing acne breakouts, and knowing which is the ideal acne remedy for your skin can be difficult. Even if you’ve had acne your whole life, the breakouts we get as adults may be different from the acne we had as teenagers. They are also more difficult to clear up, depending on factors such as hormones, changes in skin type, texture, and scarring.
Whether you are just tired of some annoying blackheads or suffering from something much more problematic like cystic or inflammatory acne, it is always recommended that you consult a dermatologist.
Dermatological Remedies for Acne
Skin Care Habits That Help Manage Acne
Treating acne is now possible with the advancements in the field of medicine and the expertise of dermatologists. Dermatologists can help you treat ongoing acne, prevent future outbreaks and lower your risk of scarring. Make an appointment with a dermatologist if you have any questions or concerns about caring for your skin.
These are some of the dermatologist-approved acne management tips and remedies to add to your routine:
Wash your face twice a day.
Perspiration can also aggravate acne, especially if you’re wearing a cap or helmet, so wash your face after sweating to minimize acne.
Apply a soft, non-abrasive cleaner using your fingertips. Never use a washcloth, towel, or any sponge on the skin that might flare up the acne.
Take care of your skin. Use mild products, such as alcohol-free options. Astringents, toners, and exfoliants are examples of items that might irritate your skin. Acne tends to get worse when the skin is dry and inflamed.
Scrubbing your face can aggravate acne. Instead, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Shampoo your hair on a regular basis if you have an oily scalp.
Allow your skin to recover on its own. If you scratch, pop, or squeeze your acne, it will take longer to heal, and you will be more likely to develop acne scars.
Please keep your hands away from your face. Touching your skin continuously can trigger flare-ups.
Avoid going into the sun and using tanning beds. Tanning is harmful to your skin. Furthermore, specific acne treatments make the skin very susceptible to ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun and indoor tanning equipment.
What is Involved in Acne Treatments
While our experts recommend consulting with your doctor for nutritional advice and building the proper skincare routine, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and topical prescription medications like retinoids are the most effective elements for treating and preventing acne. Treatment options include antibiotics, topical prescription medicines, hormonal therapy, and using Isotretinoin.
Acne sometimes needs further assistance. Your dermatologist may also suggest adding laser or light therapy and corticosteroid injections to your plan to help you get the best potential outcomes. Eating a balanced diet also produces good results.
If the products you have tried are ineffective or the acne is darkening your skin, contact our board-certified dermatologists at Louisiana Dermatology Associates today to book your appointment.